Fall 2022 Newsletter


Hello from Roy,

I hope everyone is enjoying the fall colours. It seems to me that this year the trees are giving us an extra show with the bright reds and yellows.

I have to admit that fall is my favourite season here at Buckshot Lake. The cooler temperatures and a warm fire to sit by makes it a very special place to live. Not to mention, no bugs. However, as you're walking through the woods, please be aware of ticks in our area. I know of two people recently who have had ticks on them.

As many of you close for the season, I hope that you and your families enjoy the winter months, and that you are able to visit and enjoy Buckshot during the winter.

This year is a municipal election and you should have received your personal voter information in the mail by now. Remember you can vote both in your permanent and seasonal locations. As many of you are aware, I am running for Ward 2 Council in North Frontenac and if elected, I will definitely ensure that lakefront owners’ voices will be heard in Council. Your support would be greatly appreciated. 

Voting is open Saturday, Oct 15th at 9am to Monday, October 24th at 8pm. You can vote either online or by phone. Instructions have been  included in your voters package.                                                          

Newsletter at a glance


Photo Contest

Municipal Election

Living on the lake

A message from a past BLA president

● Your board members


As always membership is key to a successful Lake Association. We have seen an increase up to 69 in membership since our AGM. Thanks to Arthur for sending reminders. Your membership fee of $30 does so much for the lake and surrounding area. One key expenditure that membership fees pay for are the buoy markers on the lake. It seems that every couple of years we are adding or replacing some markers. The BLA executive would like to thank Bob Haynes for continuing to keep boating on our lake safe. Bob is looking for a volunteer to help him with the buoys, so if you are interested please send an email to the BLA.


This year we had another successful photo contest. We would like to thank Donna Crome and Russ Brown for all the work they did and a special thanks to Vik Joshi for his technical skills with managing our website. Please visit the BLA website to view all of the beautiful pictures submitted this year.


Congratulations to our winners below receiving their prizes.

Lynn Guthrie - Landscapes

Ryan Guthrie - Cottage Life

Ed Rohr - Nature/Wildlife


Municipal elections are taking place in both North Frontenac and Addington Highlands. It is important that you vote in your area and are aware of the issues concerning lakefront and seasonal residents. There have been all candidate meetings in each area. If you were not able to attend you can visit Frontenac News for information on all candidates.



Also the NFLAA provided each candidate in North Frontenac the opportunity to reply to questions which have already been passed to members of the BLA through email.


Each of us have a different view of how to enjoy the lake and surrounding area. For some of us it means water skiing or tubing, and others prefer a canoe or sailboat. No matter what we do, we need to be respectful to each other, and also ensure that we continue to protect the environment that we cherish. Below are links to some resources which can help ensure we all do our part. We encourage everyone to review the information and share with neighbours who are not yet members of the association.




Letter from Rolly Montpellier:

Karen and I arrived on Buckshot Lake in the spring of 2005 to build our retirement home. We moved here from Sudbury to settle closer to Ottawa where our kids were living. And soon there would be grandchildren.

We didn’t realize then that we were embarking on a life-changing adventure. The first few years of building were quite demanding but at the same time most satisfying. We lived in the garage – which was built first – and managed the construction project which was completed in the late fall.

We were living our dream by the lake, making new friends and joining the Buckshot Lake community. I even became president of the Buckshot Lake Cottage Association for some 6-8 years.

Our home became a favourite spot for our family. Elliott came along on a sunny morning in August of 2005 during a busy day of construction. The other three grandkids followed – Benoit, Veronica and Karina. Benoit became an avid fisherman while Veronica and Karina enjoyed so many good times playing board games, lounging in the hammocks, jumping off the dock, roasting marshmallows by the bonfire, working on the fairy garden and baking cookies with Grandma. And let’s not forget all the tubing and knee boarding on the bright waters of Buckshot Lake. They will forever remember their times at the lake with Grandma and Grandpa.

Among the most cherished memories will be our time spent on the dock enjoying a very early morning sunrise, watching fish jump, hearing the sounds of nature, the gentle ripple of the waves hitting the shoreline, the occasional visit from a mother duck and her ducklings and of course the daily visit of a loon just a few metres away from the dock.

We will forever cherish all of these precious memories. There’s a spiritual feeling - something sacred – about being close to nature and by the water. It’s good for the soul and good for the heart.

We will especially miss our friends and neighbours without whom the long months of winter would have been lonely.

But now after 17 years of enjoying life on Buckshot Lake, it’s time to move on to our next adventure.

We bid you farewell but this is not goodbye.

Karen and Rolly Montpellier


● Roy Huetl - President

● Russ Brown - Past President

● Paul Asselin - Treasurer

● Jim Bacon - Secretary

● Arthur McGregor - Membership

● Vikram Joshi - Web/Technical Support

● Peter Lorenz - Director

● Leslie Hoyt - Director


Spring 2023 Newsletter


Summer 2022 Newsletter