
About the BLA
The Buckshot Lake Association (BLA) is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1995.
We represent the interest of both full-time residents and seasonal cottagers of Buckshot Lake in both townships – North Frontenac and Addington Highlands, and provide various services for our members.
We function on the principle that we must maintain and enhance Buckshot Lake for present and future generations. We consider water quality, natural beauty, fish and wildlife habitat, recreational activities, rich biological diversity, social interaction, and peace and tranquility. The association encourages its members to play an active role in the ongoing preservation of the health of our lake.
BLA is engaged in the following activities on behalf of its members:
We identify programs, activities, workshops and educational materials to support the lake’s ecosystems and environment for fish, wildlife and vegetation.
Water Quality Monitoring:
We monitor water quality to maintain and improve our current standard of good water quality and water level management.
Boating and
We support the enjoyment of safe boating and water recreational activities while respecting the desire for peace and tranquility. The BLA deploys and maintains Transport Canada approved yellow shoal marker buoys on the major water hazards on the lake.
Fisheries and
We work to protect and enhance the natural elements that fish depend on to ensure a healthy population and to provide a sustainable fishery for anglers.
Listening to Member Concerns:
We listen to community concerns, and respond in a timely fashion to any issues raised.
Municipal and Government Services:
We work with municipalities to improve the delivery of services required by the community – lakefront development, waste management, emergency and fire responses, by-law enforcement, shoreline rehabilitation etc.
Communication Planning:
We aim to organize and implement a comprehensive approach for communicating key messages on the website, newsletters and email.
Fostering a Sense of Community:
We host social events, contests and a community blog to bring the members of the Buckshot Lake community together
Our Executive
The BLA is run by a volunteer executive committee that works to provide the many services, events, and activities on our lake
Roy Huetl
Russ Brown
Past President
Leslie Hoyt
Paul Asselin
Vik Joshi
Web Admin
Peter Lorenz
Mary Ann Ward
The Buckshot Lake Association Constitution
LAST AMENDED July 15, 2012
The Buckshot Lake Cottagers’ Association has been founded for people within the area of Buckshot Lake who are interested in an organization to work for their common good. The Association concerns itself with taking an interest in everything which may contribute to the health, pleasure, comfort and security of those living temporarily or permanently in the area. All members are encouraged to reflect the general feeling of their Community and to bring their needs to the attention of the Association.
The Buckshot Lake Cottagers’ Association shall be representative of the properties abutting Buckshot Lake or a road allowance which in turn abuts the lake, within the Townships of North Frontenac and Addington-Highlands in the respective Counties of Frontenac and Lennox and Addington.
A. Active membership shall be open to all registered owners of lands included within the said jurisdiction and the spouses of such owners, who have paid to the association an annual fee as determined at the annual meeting.
B. Associate membership may be granted to any person, firm or corporation interested in the problems and welfare of the residents of said lake and vicinity. Any application for associate membership shall be sponsored by two active members of the association and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the Association.
A. An annual general meeting of the Association shall be held on a date to be fixed by the executive of the Association, normally within the month of July, each year for the purpose of receiving reports, electing the directors for the ensuing term, and for the transaction of any other business.
B. All directors shall be elected at an annual meeting of the Association.
C. At least three weeks prior notice shall be given to the members concerning the holding of the annual general meeting.
D. Twelve (12) voting members shall constitute a quorum for the holding of an annual general meeting duly called.
E. Each registered lot represented at the annual general meeting shall have one (1) vote on each motion put to the meeting, and motions shall be determined by simple majority of votes on a show of hands. In addition, each Board member shall have one (1) vote (with maximum of two (2) votes per registered lot).
F. In electing the directors, where more than the required number are nominated and stand for election, the election shall be by secret ballot.
A. Between annual general meetings, the general management and control of the affairs, funds and property of the Association shall be vested in the elected Board of Directors of the Association, subject only to the Constitution and decisions taken by majority vote of the members at the annual general meetings, or at other general meetings called by the Board on the same notice as for annual general meetings.
B. The number of directors shall be a minimum of six (6) and a maximum of eight (8) as determined by the Board of Directors from time to time.
C. Term of office shall be for two (2) years, subject to maintaining Association membership.
D. There shall be representation on the Board of Directors from both North Frontenac and Addington-Highlands townships.
E. Any active member of the Association whose annual dues are paid up for the year preceding the annual election, shall be eligible for election.
F. Any director whose term is expiring shall be eligible for re-election. The term and election of directors shall be on a rotating schedule such that no more than 50% (3 or 4) of Directors shall be subject to renewal for any given election.
G. Any vacancy on the Board of Directors created by the resignation or death of any director, or any other causes, shall be filled upon the passing of a resolution by the remaining directors appointing an active member to serve the balance of the term of the retired director.
H. Nominations for the Board of Directors shall be submitted to the nominating committee appointed by the directors, at least two (2) weeks before the annual general meeting. The nominations must be in writing, signed by the nominator and agreed to (not necessarily in writing) by the nominee. Nominations may be accepted at the Annual General Meeting to elect Director positions left unfilled through the written nomination process.
I. The executive office to be held by each director shall be determined by the Board of Directors, at a meeting of the Board within thirty (30) days after election of directors.
J. The executive shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 2-4 Directors elected at large.
K. Fifty percent (50) of the directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the Board of Directors; four (4) if the number of directors is seven (7). Motions in the meetings of the Board shall be determined by simple majority of votes cast.
A. The annual fee for membership shall be such amount as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors, to be ratified by a majority vote of those attending the annual general meeting.
B. The Board of Directors may from time to time establish a fee to be paid for the participation in any activity sponsored by the Corporation.
C. The Board of Directors may from time to time pass a by-law providing for a special assessment to raise funds for a special purpose of the Association, but such a by-law shall not be effective nor shall such assessment become due and payable until such by-law is approved at a general meeting of the Association called for the purpose of considering such a by-law.
D. The funds of the Association shall be in the keeping of the Treasurer who shall deposit these funds in a chartered Canadian Bank or Trust Company and shall make payments for the Association by cheque or by using an on-line banking system on the said bank account, with the exception of petty cash payments for which the Treasurer will account by voucher.
E. The signing officers shall be the President and the Treasurer.
F. The year-end financial statements are to be approved by the board of directors, and then signed by two officers. These signed year-end financial statements are to be ratified at the Annual General Meeting.
A. Application for membership shall be made to any member of the Board, accompanied by the current year’s dues.
B. Only those members whose required fees are paid can vote at any meeting or participate in any event of the Association.
C. Dues are payable by July 31st for the current year. Any member in default of payment of their annual dues for more than thirty (30) days beyond the due date shall automatically lose his/her membership. Membership may be reinstated on application to the Board with full payment of dues.
The year shall commence July 1st and end June 30th.
Amendments to the Constitution may only be made by both;
1. Passage by two-thirds of the members of the Board of Directors present at a meeting to be called for the purpose of considering such, or alternatively, passage by a two-thirds majority of Directors voting by personal email at the request of the President, and
2. Ratification by a two-thirds majority vote at an annual general meeting, or any general meeting called for the purpose of considering and approving such amendment, with a minimum of two (2) weeks advance notification to members regarding the proposed amendment.
Date of latest amendments to the Constitution:
Revised at the 2005 Annual General Meeting
Revised at the 2012 Annual General Meeting
Stewardship Action Program
Buckshot Lake Stewardship Action Program (BLSAP) – Approved July 15, 2012
Lake Stewardship involves voluntarily adopting practices that will protect and improve the health of Buckshot Lake for our families and future generations. It means taking responsibility for our lake. Stewardship also includes developing programs in education and conservation as well as encouraging the involvement of the Buckshot Lake community. It is a powerful tool in building positive attitudes toward our natural resources and encouraging all of us to focus on actions to improve and sustain our natural systems.
A stewardship plan is an action-oriented guide developed to reflect and preserve the special and unique characters of the lake. It is about learning what we can do to ensure the long term protection of Buckshot Lake and its watershed.
Buckshot Lake is a unique place where water quality, natural beauty, fish and wildlife habitat, recreational activities, rich biological diversity, social interaction, peace and tranquility are maintained and enhanced for present and future generations.
1. Protect, improve and sustain the natural environment of the lake
2. Encourage voluntary compliance to all municipal by-laws and government regulations
3. Promote stewardship ethics and best management practices
4. Educate and communicate
5. Draw on the experience and traditional knowledge of the community
6. Identify and address local stewardship needs in partnership with others
7. Resolve issues through compromise and respect
The overall objective of the Buckshot Lake Stewardship Action Program (BLSAP) is to involve property owners, users, municipalities, and other agencies in programs aimed at preserving and improving the health of our lake. The BLSAP will promote a stewardship ethic and mindset that will encourage property owners to practice responsible stewardship of the lake environment. The BLSAP will focus on the following specific objectives:
1. Stewardship Activities: Identify programs, activities, workshops and educational materials in support of the BLSAP.
2. Boating and Recreation: Promote the enjoyment of safe boating and other recreational activities on Buckshot Lake while respecting the rights of owners who may prefer a more quiet and peaceful environment.
3. Fisheries/Wildlife: Advocate for the protection and enhancement of the natural elements that fish depend on to ensure a healthy population and to provide a sustainable fishery for anglers.
4. Environment: Advocate for the protection of the ecosystems of our lake to ensure a high quality environment for fish, wildlife, vegetation and people now and for the future.
5. Municipalities, Government, Agencies and groups: Work with all our stakeholders to encourage consistent and uniform bylaws and regulations governing the administration of lakefront property development.
6. Lakefront Development: Encourage shoreline development and landscaping practices that are in keeping with the character of the physical and natural environment of Buckshot Lake.
7. Protection of Riparian Zone (areas that surround the lake): Encourage the sound management of areas around the lake (both upstream and downstream) in the watershed including logging activities and any future potential back-lot development.
8. Sense of Community: Bring together the lake community to build a common sense of ownership and responsibility for protecting Buckshot Lake beginning with implementing the Lake Stewardship Action Plan.
1. Engage the Buckshot Lake Community: Develop a network of volunteers to carry out the stewardship activities and actions reflected in the Buckshot Lake Stewardship Action Program.
2. Monitoring Programs:A. Monitor Water Quality: Join the Ministry of the Environment’s Lake Partner Program. The program provides tools and techniques to measure and record water clarity, temperature, total phosphorus levels and possibly other chemicals in the lake. Final results are analyzed and published for long term assessments of water quality changes across the province.
B. Monitoring programs for invasive species, the loon population, and trout spawning.
3. Septic Systems Education: Contact the two municipalities and the District Health Unit to identify and publish information about maintaining septic systems. Encourage the municipalities to implement a broad septic system re-inspection program and encourage lake occupants to negotiate group discounts with a supplier of septic system pumping services.
4. Communication Plan: Provide Information to Property Owners and other Lake Users: Organize and implement a comprehensive approach for communicating key messages and information to property owners:
A. Docktalk Program (FOCA)
B. Boating awareness and safe use of all recreational vehicles
C. Shoreline care
D. Septic re-inspection program
E. Invasive species and species at risk
F. Loon survey, status of trout population
5. Shoreline Protection: Encourage the protection of the natural shoreline by providing information to property owners highlighting the role of the shoreline in preserving the quality of the lake.
6. Boating Awareness: Promote the safe and environmentally friendly operation of watercraft on the lake.
7. Continue to Work with the Municipalities, Government, Agencies and Groups: Ensure that land use policy and regulations (e.g. official plan, zoning by-law) are consistent with watershed sustainability and provide a guide for future development and redevelopment, especially with respect to: water quality, natural shorelines, wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat, species at risk habitat, resource extraction and setting appropriate lake capacity limits for future residential and commercial development and re-development.