Fall 2021 Newsletter
Hello from Roy,
Hope everyone had a great summer, and you are now enjoying the cooler weather. It seems all the boats and docks are out, and they will soon be replaced by ice rinks. Your executive met in October and has many exciting ideas. First, look for an updated website in the new year. We are also planning our AGM for 2022, and we are hoping for an in-person meeting with some live entertainment and a bbq. The tentative date is July 2nd.
A big thank you to Donna Crome for organizing our photo contest and to all of our participants. As always, great photos by all. Below are the 4 category winners. You can see the winning photos on the BLA website. Congratulations!
I would also like to acknowledge our business memberships, and welcome our newest- Creative Grapes, in Plevna. If you are interested in making your own wine give Jennifer a call (details will be posted on the website). Your executive continues to work for strong representation in all matters associated with our area. Please read below for more information.
Our membership has increased to 77. This is fantastic as our 2020 numbers were 56. Thanks to everyone for promoting the association on the lake and especially to Russ Brown for the extra work. I ask everyone to promote the association to your neighbours.
Bob Haynes advises that the Mazinaw Lanark Forestry 10-year plan due date has been extended by 3 months. Hopefully we will have more information with the next newsletter.
We have not heard back from FOCA regarding our sampling program for invasive species. We do expect this to be completed very soon.
I recently attended a FOCA webinar, and boating etiquette was a major concern for many lakes. In the last newsletter, I mentioned that we all want to enjoy the lake but need to be cautious and respectful. I have included the paragraph below (from the last newsletter) as a reminder:
“As many longtime residents of the lake are aware, there are many boating hazards: shallow areas and rocks. Please remind guests and renters to boat with caution. On that note, it is also important to remember the harmful effect that boat wakes can create to the shoreline and wildlife. Of special concern is the channel area between Craig Island and the north-east shore, which is very narrow, shallow and a spawning area for fish.”
Here is a link for the Lake Protection Workbook, designed for property owners to assess their own lakefronts, and it includes suggestions for making shorelines more environmentally friendly.
On another note, Roy Huetl has accepted a position on the Source Water Protection Committee with the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority. His presence on this committee will bring new insights to our association regarding environmental protection.
David Farquharson has been communicating with North Frontenac with a request to lower the posted limits from 60kph to 40kph. Unfortunately the township does not believe this to be an issue, so the 60kph signs are still up. We will continue to advocate for a lower limit, which is safer considering the hills, bends and gravel. We ask that all residents drive safely on all roads surrounding Buckshot Lake. It may be posted 60km but this really is not a safe speed to drive. Other associations have had the similar concerns voiced with North Frontenac and we will be continuing our push toward lower speed limits.
The North Frontenac Lake Association Alliance (NFLAA) has brought forward a concern regarding Airbnb rentals in our county. There have been many complaints to Townships regarding noise and large parties disrupting many residents in the area (so far mostly on other lakes). The NFLAA has been in contact with North Frontenac concerning bylaws that are in place, or that need to be developed to control these rental units. Currently the NFLAA has developed a discussion paper presenting their ideas to the township. The NFLAA makes a distinct difference between Airbnb rented solely for business versus independent and occasional renting of personal cottages. The BLA executive supports the NFLAA in principle. Other municipalities will be attending these meetings and we hope that we will be able to pass on more information as it comes.
Congratulations to the winners of our photo contest for 2021! Everyone seems to be very happy with their prizes. The winning pictures and their categories are posted on the website, along with some honourable mentions.
We are looking for help with the following:
For our social event next year (assuming we can get together)
Ideas for improving our association
Website management expertise
Volunteers for committee work.
Please send us an email through the website, or stop for a chat when you see one of us on the lake.