Summer 2022 Newsletter
Hello from Roy,
It is so nice to enjoy this warm summer at Buckshot Lake. The activities on the lake are great to see and hear. Kids screaming with joy as they are tubing; or their excitement as they learn to ski or wakeboard for the first time. For some of us, it's an early morning or evening paddle in a canoe or kayak, and of course the pursuit of a bass or pickeral can all be a special time. No matter how you find enjoyment on the lake, always remember to be respectful to others, as we all have different interests.
July 2nd was our in person AGM- the first since 2019. In all, we had 22 members participate in the meeting with lots of questions for board members, Mayor Higgins and Reeve Hogg. This newsletter will summarize the AGM.
As mentioned in the spring newsletter, this year is a municipal election. For anyone with a seasonal residence, you have a right to vote both here and at your permanent resdidence. Please check to ensure you are on the voters’ list for your municipality, either North Frontenac or Addington Highlands. You can use this link:
As many are aware, I am running for Ward 2 Council in North Frontenac and if elected will definitely ensure that lakefront owners’ voices will be heard in council. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Newsletter at a glance
● Membership
● Photo Contest
● Your board members
1. Welcome/Introductions
2. Election of Directors
3. Municipal Updates
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Environmental Report
6. Photo Contest
7. NFLAA Update
8. Questions – General Discussion
9. Closing Remarks - Adjournment
1. Welcome/Introductions
Roy introduced himself and gave some background on his move to permanent status in 2020. He briefly discussed the May 21st storm damage and cleanup. He talked about a possible corn roast at summer's end. Roy mentioned that all residents can vote in the Municipal election on Oct. 24th. He ended with an introduction of Directors.
2. Election of Directors
Paul Asselin and Jim Bacon indicated YES to a continued 2 year-term. Dave Farquharson and Bob Haynes are retiring and Vikram Joshi and Leslie Hoyt were nominated and accepted a 2 year-term as Directors. Bob Haynes recommended acceptance and Ed Rohr seconded.
3. Municipal Updates
Ron Higgins – Ron started with the short-term rental situation and how Council, with input from NFLAA, is attempting to create a by-law with possible licensing. Septic re-inspection has been an ongoing discussion especially on lakes. He talked about how some municipalities and some large Real Estate Companies are using transfer of ownership to act as enforcement. Ron updated the storm details with cleanup still continuing probably until September. Also, how there were just a few injuries; and the work Hydro One had done and still has to do. He added that during the Covid 19 period North Frontenac added 600 full-time residents and that any Provincial emergency funding for storm costs was still pending. There was a question and brief discussion on fireworks and the possibility of banning on lakes with penalty and enforcement as the main discussion issues. Another question was on the status of the closure of the Ardoch Post Office. Ron has been working with MP, Scott Reid to generate positive action from Canada Post. North of 7 has made an offer to use their facility. He ended with an update on the cell phone and broadband situation. His sources say that nine (9) or ten (10) towers are coming to our area through Bell Canada and the Province.
Henry Hogg – Henry did not have a prepared presentation but asked the attendees for their questions. Short Term Rentals was a topic mentioned and he informed us that there is/will be a survey on their website to determine the feelings of residents. A question regarding increased property values and property taxes was raised. MPAC will be involved along with changes in the mill rate, no clear answer was available. Another question concerned last year’s undertaking to attract new doctors/nurse practitioners to A.H. Henry advised that though funding was in place there were no new additions.
4. Treasurer's Report
Paul presented all Financial Reports. Membership increased last year to 78 members. Our General Admin. costs were up $1700, due to a redesign of the website. Our Lake Steward used $347, to replace marker buoy chains. Our limited revenue stream requires an increase in membership to generate income. Arthur has accepted the responsibility of taking on our membership portfolio, with Paul at the monetary end. He was asked if automatic renewals can be set up as many members forget to pay manually.
5. Environmental Report
● Bob discussed the 2019 Fish Survey results which identified the species that were netted. White suckers took up the largest percentage (50). This can vary each year as location, depth and time of day may be factors in fish movement.
● He presented slides showing the M.L.F.I. maps for their 10 years plan from 2021 to 2031. There will be a great deal of salvage logging taking priority for pulp and firewood due to the May 21st storm. It appears some clear cutting will take place off East Bay Rd and it is unknown whether it will be visible from the lake.
● The most recent Water Sampling Test for invasive species such as zebra mussels, spiny water flea, and quagga mussels was negative (they were not present in testing samples). This data will be made available on our website.
● A question regarding spraying for gypsy moths was asked and a short discussion took place regarding the impact spraying may have on other non-invasive species.
● Russ informed us about the most recent water sampling which has not yet been communicated to us. The water quality test from 2021 which details depth, temperature, phosphorus, PH etc. is much the same as previous years. The Water Ranger Test Kit Data takes the average of 9 measurements from June to October. Russ talked about the major risks to water quality which are the inconsistent cleaning of boats going in and out of our water. A wash station has been discussed several times but cost and lack of control are the main obstacles.
6. Photo Contest
This can be viewed on our website. The deadline for submissions in all categories is Sept. 11th , 2022. After this date, an email will be sent requesting members to vote for their favourite in each category.
7. NFLAA Update
● This association has representatives from North Frontenac area lake associations. The most pressing current issues are mandatory septic inspections and AirBNB/short term rental problems. They have been working with municipalities to protect our lake environment. Lake capacity studies show we have a high percentage of crown land and lake trout sensitivity. This limits any new building lots.
● They support septic inspection as many older cottages lack septic systems, or require upgrading. As well, short term rentals have become problematic on some lakes with reports of renters lacking respect for the lakes, environment and neighbours.
● Roy discussed the upcoming municipal election and the ability to vote online. He mentioned that 86% of our tax base is lakefront owners.
8. Questions
● An assessment of individual lakefronts is available. This would include erosion, native species etc.
● A question and discussion on septic inspection took place. Mandatory inspections, mentioned previously, could happen through the sale of property which has become standard practice in other municipalities. Other possibilities are to have septic cleaning companies identify tank and bed issues when the tank is pumped (for those with a tank).
● Another issue raised is parking in the boat launch area which impedes the ability to complete a wide turnaround. It was agreed that the association should explore “No Parking” signs, either through the township or through membership funds (provided an increase in membership levels).
9. Meeting Adjourned
Our membership numbers from last year were very strong which indicates that many of us feel that the BLA provides an important role in advocating for our lake and surrounding area. This year, however, we have seen a drop in membership. We understand that many of us have been busy with storm repair and cleanup, but we are hopeful through reminders that you will continue to support the BLA with your $30 membership fee. Remember, the BLA advocates for the lake and surrounding forests and provides many services such as buoy markers, water quality tests, and boat launch repairs, to name a few. We believe the value received far outweighs the cost of a membership. When renewing your membership please take a look at your contact information to ensure that it is up-to-date. Also, please encourage non-member friends and neighbours to join.
As mentioned in the AGM notes, our photo contest has been such a success and everyone looks forward to the amazing photos every year. We will once again be running the contest: thanks so much to Donna Crome for her involvement not only this year, but in the past as well. Detailed information is on the BLA website Photo Contest Page
● Roy Huetl - President
● Russ Brown - Past President
● Paul Asselin - Treasurer
● Jim Bacon - Secretary
● Arthur McGregor - Membership
● Vikram Joshi - Web/Technical Support
● Peter Lorenz - Director
● Leslie Hoyt - Director