Fall 2023 Newsletter
Hello from Roy,
I hope everyone is enjoying the season and had a chance to visit Buckshot Lake this fall. The colours were magnificent and the weather cooperated so we could enjoy the outdoors.
Your executive board met on October 14th. Many new ideas were discussed and I am pleased to announce that we will have a social event in the summer of 2024. More information to follow as planning will begin in the new year. Also please note that the board reviewed and approved the financial statements from our Treasurer Paul. If anyone would like to see the statements please send an email.
I received information from the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) and they are looking for a volunteer to measure ice conditions on the lake. I have attached information in this newsletter, if you are interested.
It seems to me that the lake is lower than usual for this time of year, so I contacted the MVCA for their thoughts. They explained that due to the low precipitation this fall, the low levels are expected and within range.
Enjoy the rest of the autumn season and hopefully you are able to experience Buckshot Lake in the winter.
See you soon.
Newsletter at a glance
● Membership
● Photo Contest
● MVCA Volunteer request
● NFLAA update
● Your board members
The Buckshot Lake Association can only be successful if we are able to have a healthy membership. Each year we set a goal of maintaining a membership of 70. This allows us to have appropriate funds for our expenses such as insurance, shoal markers, and FOCA membership.
We are very happy to announce that our current membership stands at 77. Thank you to everyone who renewed, and encouraged neighbours to join. Welcome to our new members.
Next year we have set a goal of 80 members. You will be hearing from us in the spring; and some of us will be going door to door, not only to ask for your membership, but also to have a friendly conversation and discuss new ideas.
Congratulations to the photo contest winners for this year. You are able to view the pictures on the website. A special thank you to Russ Brown and Donna Crome for again organizing the contest.
Your winners are Leslie Hoyt and Shari Horvath. See picture below of Leslie receiving her beautiful prizes. Well done Leslie and Shari.
The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority is looking for volunteer Citizen Scientists to assist with ice monitoring data collection for their newly developed Ice Monitoring Program.
The Ice Monitoring Program will observe and monitor several key ice parameters including ice thickness, ice on, freeze up, break up, and ice off dates, and locations of ice build up in our rivers. The information collected through this program will assist with MVCA’s flood forecasting and warning program, and will be utilized in various research projects, primarily centered around how the ice regime is changing in response to climate change as well as the implications for water quality and quantity throughout the Mississippi Valley Watershed.
Volunteer Citizen Scientists can expect to dedicate minimal time to this project – we estimate a couple hours spread across the winter season. We are looking for lake residents, who have waterfront property or access the lake regularly and can provide observations on several key ice phenology dates based on visual observations, namely: ice on, freeze up, break up, and ice off dates. Interested parties can contact the Ice Monitoring Program Coordinator, Jennifer North (contact info below), who will provide an observation form that can be filled out electronically or by hand and submitted to MVCA.
Jennifer North | Water Resources Technologist | Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority
10970 Highway 7, Carleton Place, Ontario K7C 3P1
www.mvc.on.ca |t. 613 253 0006 ext. 243| f. 613 253 0122 jnorth@mvc.on.ca
You may not be aware that the Township of North Frontenac is in the process of creating a strategic plan. Part of this process was to receive input from various stakeholders. The NFLAA was invited to participate in a focus group as they represent a large group of waterfront residents both seasonal and permanent. The NFLAA presented three issues for the Township to consider: Septic Inspection Program, Short Term Rentals and Environmental (Invasive Species, Shore Line Health and Environmental Changes). The Township is now in the process of reviewing all the input received over the last few months.
● Roy Huetl - President
● Russ Brown - Past President
● Paul Asselin - Treasurer
● Leslie Hoyt - Secretary
● Vikram Joshi - Web/Technical Support
● Peter Lorenz - Social Director
● Mary Ann Ward - Membership Director